Making Business Advisory as easy as
1 - 2 - 3

Discover your clients' business story with Jazoodle's easy to use cashflow and scenario based business forecasts and effortless reporting and performance indicators. Influence your clients' future now.

Jazoodle main dashboard image
Jazoodle cashflow chart
Jazoodle forecast summary

Business advisory insights and analysis
at your fingertips

Get started

Start your free trial or get demo

Make additional revenues from delivering essential advice and support to any of your clients – no matter how big or small.

  • Easy to use
  • Very affordable, scalable pricing
  • Cancel at any time if it's not for you
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Easy integration

Connect your clients' Xero, Quickbooks or MYOB in seconds

Simply follow the instructions on the Jazoodle app to connect your clients. Then you’re ready to get insights and analysis to fuel your advisory services - in seconds.

  • Works with Xero, QuickBooks, and MYOB
  • Superb dashboards with an array of KPIs
  • Cloud based and 100% secure with state of the art encryption
Income generating

Start advising your clients

From creating scenarios relating to forecasted revenue or costs, and understanding key ratios critical to managing liquidity or debt, Jazoodle provides all the information you need to supercharge your advisory services.

  • Cashflow forecasts and scenario planning
  • Business valuation
  • Vast array of KPIs that can easily be monitored and analysed
Number 3 graphic - platinum effect
Business advisory

Business and cash forecasting, simplified

Create detailed forecasts in minutes, not hours. And scale your advisory services.

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Tracking tools

Realtime modelling, and integrated forecast financial statements

Make changes to your forecast scenario, and Jazoodle updates your client's forecast Income statement, Balance Sheet, Statement of Cashflows, forecast KPIs, and business valuation

Jazoodle Aged Receivables Image From Forecasting
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3 way forecasting

Asset purchase planning
tool integrated

Built in asset planning calculator. Model loan, lease, or cash purchase. Instantly update forecast P and L and Balance Sheet

Jazoodle loan calculator and asset planning UI
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Dynamic exit planning

Estimate future business valuation
and build plans for a business exit

Your forecast creates an integrated scenario that automatically updates your future business value, model exit scenarios

Jazoodle forecast valuation summary screen from cash forecasts
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Hire & fire planning

Assess a business' employee plans and analyse their future growth

Jazoodle allows you to create fast employee fire or fire plans. Assess their affect on future cash flows, and profits, automatically.

Flexible subscriptions

Plans to suit every need

Upgrade / downgrade at any time. No minimum terms, pay for what you use and no more. All plans are billed monthly based upon the maximum number of companies you have connected to Jazoodle during that month.


1 connected company included, then $45 per additional company connected per month

USD $ 45 /Month
  • For individual businesses needing insights
  • Xero, MYOB and QuickBooks Integration
  • Scenario models
  • Cash conversion planning
  • Loan & depreciation calculator
  • New employee planning
  • Asset purchase planning for loans, or leases
  • Share with your advisor


5 connected companies included, then $11 per additional company connected per month

USD $ 119 /Month
  • All features of Entrpreneur level plus
  • Includes 5 connected companies
  • Free advisor onboarding/training
  • Easy consolidated reporting
  • Account drilldown for expense analysis
  • Client reports and valuation letter
  • Unlimited users

Advisor Pro

20 connected companies included, then $9 per additional company connected per month

USD $ 272 /Month
  • All features of Entrpreneur level plus
  • Includes 20 connected companies
  • Free advisor onboarding/training
  • Easy consolidated reporting
  • Account drilldown for expense analysis
  • Client reports and valuation letter
  • Unlimited users


50 connected companies included, then $7 per additional company connected per month

USD $ 510 /Month
  • All features of vCFO / Advisor level plus
  • Includes first 50 companies connected
  • Free onboarding / training (up to 10 users)
  • Really easy consolidated reporting
  • Single common currency reporting
  • Multiple scenarios / models
  • Unlimited users
Transforming your clients' businesses

Discover your client's business story and influence their future success

One of the most incredible superpowers you have, is the ability to uncover your client's business story through their financial numbers. Jazoodle uncovers their numbers and story in seconds giving you the time and space to devise actions that will influence their future success. Now that is a superpower indeed!

We Love Happy Clients

Success stories from our customers

The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiences and stories of those who have partnered with us.

We've got answers

Your questions answered

If you're new or looking for answers to your questions, this guide will help you learn more about our services and their features.

Yes, you can try us for free for 7 days. We'll also provide you with a free 30-minute onboarding call to get you up and running and answer any questions you may have.

Absolutely! Jazoodle does not lock you into a plan or even a minimum term. Change your plan or cancel at any time. What's more, you can make these changes online in your account. We don't make it difficult if your circumstances change

We understand that things change. You can cancel your plan at any time, we don't hold you to a minimum term contract. All you pay for is any additional connections you've added during the month of your cancellation and any base subscriptions still outstanding. What's more, you can even reconnect later if you change your mind.

Jazoodle integrates with Xero, QuickBooks, and MYOB. We are also assessing other systems, so do please let us know once you've set up your other clients which integration you'd like us to look at integrating.

When you decide to subscribe to Jazoodle, simply select the plan level best meeting your needs. You will be charged that plan amount immediately. If you add any additional connections during the month, and outside your current included connections number, we will total these up at the next billing period. For example, you subscribe to the vCFO plan (with 5 connected companies included) If during the month, you add 8 companies in total, at the next billing period, you will be charged your month's plan amount plus the additional 3 companies at the lesser per connection cost.

Yes, head to your account section on Jazoodle and add your client's email address to users. Then restrict to their dashboard. You can even add your colleagues to the dashboard, and chose to add to a single company only, or all companies connected to Jazoodle in your dashboard.

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Start your free trial now

Supercharge your advisory services with the Jazoodle app, and simply look forward to increased revenue to your firm, and happier clients who genuinely value your advise and support.